Surgical Rejuvenation
Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty and Eyelid Rejuvenation
Wake up your look with eyelid surgery
The eyelids are often one of the first facial features to be affected by age. Eventually, getting enough rest just isn’t enough to give your eyes that youthful sparkle. Dr. Joseph Chang specializes in lower eyelid surgery in Bakersfield, rejuvenating the eye area by reducing puffy bags underneath the eyes.
Transconjunctival lower eyelid blepharoplasty is the most commonly performed lower eyelid surgery. It is a shorter procedure than upper eyelid surgery and takes only about 15 minutes. During the procedure, the orbital fat pads are removed (the anatomy that causes the under-eye bags). It does not require any incisions, eliminating the need for external stitches and associated scarring. Complications, such as excessive bleeding, are rare.
Complete Eyelid Rejuvenation with Laser Skin Resurfacing
The eyelids are often one of the first facial features to be affected by age. Eventually, getting enough rest just isn’t enough to give your eyes that youthful sparkle. Dr. Joseph Chang specializes in lower eyelid surgery in Bakersfield, rejuvenating the eye area by reducing puffy bags underneath the eyes.
Transconjunctival lower eyelid blepharoplasty is the most commonly performed lower eyelid surgery. It is a shorter procedure than upper eyelid surgery and takes only about 15 minutes. During the procedure, the orbital fat pads are removed (the anatomy that causes the under-eye bags). It does not require any incisions, eliminating the need for external stitches and associated scarring. Complications, such as excessive bleeding, are rare.
Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty and Ptosis Repair
Let your eyes better reflect how you feel – happy, youthful, and confident
Bakersfield oculoplastic surgeon Joseph H. Chang, M.D., has performed thousands of medical and cosmetic upper eyelid surgeries, helping restore his patients’ vision and attractive appearance. The procedure, which removes excess skin and fat above the eye, generally takes less than 30 minutes and is done under conscious or general anesthesia with an anesthesiologist present. Patients can generally return to normal functions within days. Stitches are removed 14 days after the surgery, and most patients return to a normal appearance within weeks. Complications, such as excessive bleeding and scarring, are rare.
Cosmetic Upper Blepharoplasty
You’ve heard it before, communication “is all in the eyes.” But what if your eyes are no longer telling the true story? Heavy, droopy upper eyelids can give a tired, aged, sad, deceptive and even angry appearance, regardless of how you actually feel. As you look at the before-and-after photographs above, ask yourself, what is this person feeling, is it positive or negative? Also ask yourself, who do I like more? Who do I trust?
Medically Necessary Ptosis Repair
Patients whose ptosis obstructs their vision usually begin to notice it in their peripheral vision, either from above, to the sides, or both. This obstruction may be worse during certain times of the day, and many unconsciously compensate by raising their eyebrows, tilting their head back, or both. If found to be medically necessary, ptosis repair may be covered by insurance (including Medicare) with proper testing, photography, and measurements to document visual impairment.